Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are you on the "Anti-Wealth" Plan?

Though painful to say, most people go through their entire lives on what we call the "Anti-Wealth" Plan. Others call it the "40/40/40 Plan." That is, work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank!

That's somewhat of an exaggeration, of course, but the U.S. Social Security Board, for example, has reported that 85 out of 100 Americans won't possess as much as $500 in savings by age 65. And only 2% will be self-sustaining; the rest will be dependent on family, church, or the government!

Burning Cash

The main problem with a typical job is that when YOU stop, the money stops.

MAKE SURE you understand this: If you ever want to acquire real wealth, you're just not going to get there trading hours for money.

The world's wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you MUST tap into at least one of the following:


Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!

Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales.

Earn even more Leveraged Income when they sponsor other affiliates and refer TripleClicks customers...and when your affiliates’ affiliates sponsor affiliates and refer customers...and so on.

The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates, you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and customers putting money in your pocket from around the world...around the clock!

But that's not even the best part. Each affiliate on your sales team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month–even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether.

Rest assured, there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find a commission check even bigger than the month before waiting in your mailbox!

Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn "do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style income, you also can earn Leveraged Income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you've found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.

If you haven't got started yet, it's time to hit your SFI To-Do List. By completing the actions on your To-Do List, you can start building a foundation for residual and leveraged income today.

SFI Marketing Group

Friday, September 18, 2009

11 Reasons Why The SFI Comp Plan Rocks!

1. No purchase requirements. Can qualify for all ranks with just actions or combinations of actions and sales!

2. Earn from up to ten different income streams: Customer Commissions, Affiliate Overrides, MaxMalls Pool, Executive Overrides, Co-Sponsor Overrides (both in-network and customer sales), Network Overrides (both in-network and customer sales), VersaPoints Rewards, and Peak Performer Bonuses!

3. Thousands of commissionable products, with new products being added daily!

4. Clean, simple, generous, and fair!

5. The MaxMalls Pool allows you to automatically share in the worldwide sales and purchases every month of every SFI affiliate...AND every TripleClicks customer!

6. Fast front-end commissions (earn up to 72% of total Commission Volume on every customer sale* you generate!) PLUS lucrative, multiple, ongoing, residual income streams of up to 40% CV!

7. Unlimited earnings potential! Go as wide and/or as deep with your organization as you wish!

8. Earn up to 40% of the CV on every purchase by a personally sponsored affiliate for life*, plus up to 6% of the CV on every sale and purchase of every 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G and 7G in your entire organization every month for life*!

9. You only need to reach 3,000 points to start earning SIX generations of lucrative override commissions (Network Overrides) for your entire organization!

10. Designed to dovetail perfectly with SFI's EyeEarn program!

11. Compression is utilized on Network Overrides, which means you can earn commissions infinitely deep in your organization!

Peak Performer Bonuses

Make the top 20 in any of three Peak Performer Quarterly Contests (Top Sponsors, Top Sellers, or Top Builders) and you'll receive one of the following cash bonuses or prizes:

• $1000 for first place
• $500 for second place
• $200 for third place
• $100 for 4th through 10th place
• 100 free TripleClicks Credits for 11th through 20th place

You can compete in all three contests. Hence, you have the opportunity to win up to $3000 in Peak Performer bonuses each quarter!

SFI Rewards

Each month, SFI awards cash and other valuable rewards to the top 200 VersaPoints earners of the month. Just be in the top 200 at the end of the month and you're in! To find out what your current position is, see the VersaPoints Leaderboard.

Just by making the top 200, you'll receive a share of the month's companywide Co-Sponsorships. Each affiliate you are assigned as the Co-Sponsor of could earn you hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually in Co-Sponsorship Override commissions.

Co-Sponsorships are awesome, but being in the top 200 also automatically enters you in our monthly VersaPoints drawing for cash and prizes. For every 100 VersaPoints you score, you'll receive one entry in the drawing. That is, the more points you score, the more entries in the drawing you get and the better your odds of winning!

21 winners are drawn each month. The first name chosen will receive $1000 cash. Ten runner-ups will receive $100 cash each, and the last ten names chosen will each receive 100 TripleClicks credits (a $29 value).


For your first 30 days, SFI send you a special daily e-mail that contains a link to exclusive, copyrighted LaunchPad™ getting-started training Website.

Each of the 30 LaunchPad™ editions includes a simple, one-question quiz. Once you've completed all 30 quizzes, the following four LaunchPad™ Rewards are yours:

50 FREE Credits
$19.50 value (that can be turned into hundreds of dollars!)

2 FREE Years Prestige Domain Name
$109 value! Maximize your marketing with a prestigious domain that includes your name or other word(s) of your choice.

FREE TripleClicks™ Grand Opening Kit
$155 value, you pay only for postage! We'll send a jumbo-sized, full-color Grand Opening postcard and a valuable free gift to up to 25 of your friends and family to launch your new business with a bang!

FREE entry in Cash Drawing
Win up to $1500!

Network Overrides

Network Overrides allow you to tap into the bank account-bursting power of Leveraged Income and exponential growth.

Parts 1-3 of the SFI Comp Plan empower you to create an income stream based on your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs). Network Overrides now take your income to a whole new level by allowing you to earn handsome commissions on the purchases and sales generated by affiliates sponsored by your PSAs and other affiliates in your organization.


Please review the above diagram. Note the "2G's." A 2G is the term we use for an affiliate sponsored by one of your PSAs. "2G" is short for "Second Generation Affiliate." We use the term "generation" because of it's similarity to a family structure. That is, if PSAs are your "children," then an affiliate "born" from your children would be "second generation" to you. Hence, a "2G."

For every purchase made at by a 2G affiliate in your organization, you'll earn a 3% to 6% Network Override.

• 3% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 4% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 5% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 6% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: Affiliates within generations two through generation seven of your organization purchase products totaling $30,000 CV. You have 6,200 VersaPoints this month, so you earn $1,800 in Network Overrides (6% of $30,000 CV).

Network Overrides don't stop there though. You'll also earn 3% to 6% on every 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G, and 7G in your organization!

3G = A 3rd generation affiliate sponsored by one of your 2Gs
4G = A 4th generation affiliate sponsored by one of your 3Gs
5G = A 5th generation affiliate sponsored by one of your 4Gs
6G = A 6th generation affiliate sponsored by one of your 5Gs
7G = A 7th generation affiliate sponsored by one of your 6Gs

There is no limit to how many Network Overrides you can earn each month. Over time, the six generations on which you earn Network Overrides can grow to hundreds or even thousands of affiliates (see chart at left)!

Network Overrides aren't just for purchases made by the affiliates in your organization though. You can also earn Network Overrides on all customer sales* generated by the affiliates in your organization!

Here again, Network Overrides are paid on six generations. That is, all sales made by all second generation (2G) through seventh generation (7G) affiliates in your organization, will earn you Network Overrides as follows:

• 2% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 3% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 4% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 5% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: Affiliates within generations two through generation seven of your organization generate customer sales* totaling $30,000 CV. You have 5,400 VersaPoints, so you earn $1,200 in Network Overrides (4% of $30,000 CV). Note that this amount would be IN ADDITION TO the Network Overrides already earned for affiliate purchases as described in the previous Earnings Example.

Note: "Dynamic compression" is also used with Network Overrides. This major income boosting feature means that for every generation that is NOT represented by a Team Leader, the Network Override commission "rolls up" a generation, allowing you to actually earn Network Overrides far beyond just seven generations! Infinitely deep in fact!

SFI's superstore - TripleClicks

SFI's superstore, TripleClicks, in addition to thousands of products of its own is also a portal to more than 170 major, name-brand online stores representing millions of additional products and services. These stores are known as MaxMalls Merchants. Learn more about MaxMalls HERE.

100% of the revenues SFI receives from MaxMalls each month goes into a special pool for our top affiliates. Every month that you achieve a minimum of 1500 points, you'll automatically receive one equal share of the pool.

That is, you'll earn a portion of the sales commissions on every MaxMalls purchase made by every SFI Affiliate and every TripleClicks Member worldwide! Earn on sales at Best Buy, Blockbuster,, ESPN Shop,,, iTunes, Kmart, Kohl's, Macy's, Netflix, NutriSystem, Office Depot, Old Navy, PetSmart, Priceline, Sears, Target, TicketMaster,, Wal-Mart, WeightWatchers Online and many more.

Co-Sponsorship Overrides

Co-Sponsorship Overrides (CSO's) are earned on the activities of the affiliates you've been assigned as the Co-Sponsor of.

Every time one of your Co-Sponsored affiliates purchases something from, you can earn up to 24% of the CV (Commission Volume).

• 16% of CV with 1500 points
• 18% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 20% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 22% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 24% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: You accumulate 1700 points this month. Affiliates that you are the co-sponsor of make purchases totalling $800 CV. You earn $128 (16% of $800 CV).

CSO's aren't just for purchases made by the affiliates in your organization though. You can also earn up to 8% CSO's on all customer sales* generated by your co-sponsored affiliates

• 4% of CV with 1500 points
• 5% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 6% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 7% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 8% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: You accumulate 3200 points this month. Affiliates that you are the Co-Sponsor of do $2,200 CV in customer sales*. You earn $110 in Network Overrides (5% of $2,200 CV). Note that this amount would be IN ADDITION TO the CSO's already earned for affiliate purchases as described in the previous Earnings Example.

Executive Overrides

With Executive Overrides, every time one of your personally sponsored affiliates generates a customer sale* at, you can earn up to 14% of the CV (commission volume).

• 6% of CV with 1500 points
• 8% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 10% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 12% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 14% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: You accumulate 4100 VersaPoints this month. Your personally sponsored affiliates generate customer sales* totalling $1,400 CV. You earn $140 (10% of $1,400 CV).

Affiliate Overrides

With Affiliate Overrides, every time one of your personally sponsored affiliates purchases something from, you can earn up to 40% of the CV (commission volume).

• 10% of CV with 500 points
• 15% of CV with 1000 points
• 30% of CV with 1500 points
• 34% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 36% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 38% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 40% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: You accumulate 1800 VersaPoints this month. Your personally sponsored affiliates purchase products totalling $400 CV. You earn $120 (30% of $400 CV).

Customer Commissions

The SFI Compensation Plan has nine lucrative components. The first is Customer Commissions on thousands of products at For every customer sale* you generate, you'll earn a Customer Commission of up to 72% of the CV (commission volume):

• 20% of CV with 500 points
• 30% of CV with 1000 points
• 60% of CV with 1500 points
• 66% of CV if you are a Bronze Team Leader
• 68% of CV if you are a Silver Team Leader
• 70% of CV if you are a Gold Team Leader
• 72% of CV if you are a Platinum Team Leader

Earnings Example: You accumulate 1600 VersaPoints this month. You sell a product that has $20 CV (Commission Volume). You earn a $12 Customer Commission (60% of $20 CV).

Up to 80% of the total commission payout goes to you!SFI's Customer Commission program is powerful because all you have to do is refer a customer once and they become your customer for life!**

SFI takes care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service for your customers, at no cost to you, and pays you a Customer Commission for every order placed by your customers for life!**

TIP: To see the Customer Commission (CC) that you can earn for every SFI product, just log in at CC (Customer Commission), CV (Commission Volume), and VP (VersaPoints) are included in each product's description.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Become an Executive Affiliate

Do whatever you can to get the other points to reach 1500 in 15 days and become an EA (Executive Affiliate). Here are a few ways that you can use to do it:

1 Go to (called your Alerts Page) read and perform alerts shown. This earns you two VersaPoints every day.

2 Go to (Called your To-Do List) read and perform actions shown. This also earns you two VersaPoints every day.

3 Go to ... Points.sfi your own personal Versa Points Scoreboard. Here it also shows you what you did and what you can still do to earn more points.

4 You can also refer people to your very own TripleClicks store to buy products there. The link to your own store will look something like this: (Be sure to put your own affiliate ID in the link)

5 If all the above still did not give you the points you want you can refer others to SFI using your own personal referral link that will look something like this: (Be sure to put your own affiliate ID in the link)

6 Last but not least (and some people do this first :) ) you can buy a product at your own TripleClicks store that will give you 1500 VersaPoints. One of these products are for example: membership of “International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE)”. The link to this product will look something like this: ... 0/10750465/ (Once again be sure to put your own affiliate ID in the link)
I think you get the most points per dollar if you buy item 4450, single TC Credits for $1.99 each. You get 150 VP for one, so if you buy 10 you get 1500 points for $19.90. And no shipping costs... ... 0/10750465/

Friday, September 11, 2009

LaunchPad #30

You might be a "___________ in the making!"

rock star

Answer: millionaire

LaunchPad #29

Setting up a Standing Order means no worries about ____________.

flat tires
identity theft
meeting your VersaPoints target each month

Answer: meeting your VersaPoints target each month

LaunchPad #28

When prospecting, you should expect ____ "no's" for every "yes."


Answer: 20

LaunchPad #27

Besides being a quick and easy way to get your SFI commissions, a TripleClicks MasterCard is also a great ____________.

Fishing lure
Back scratcher
Sponsoring tool
Rain gauge

Answer: Sponsoring tool

LaunchPad #26

LaunchPad lesson #26 exhorts you to be like ____________.

A rose bush
A maple tree
A shooting star
An oak tree
Michael Jordan

Answer: An oak tree

LaunchPad #25

If you found a gold mine that contained more gold than you could ever use yourself, who would you most likely tell about it first?

Your accountant
A cab driver
Your friends and family
Your cat

Answer: Your friends and family

LaunchPad #24

Through a2a, you can search, browse, and exchange messages with __________.

SFI staff members
Affiliates within a 50-mile radius of your home only
Affiliates over the age of 18 only
ANY SFI affiliate

Answer: ANY SFI affiliate

LaunchPad #23

At the SFI Forum, you can create and participate in ___________.

Karaoke contests
Camping trips
Live video streaming

Answer: Brainstorming

LaunchPad #22

Gery Carson has been leading SFI since what year?


Answer: 1998

LaunchPad #21

To avoid "information overload," SFI recommends that you read no more than _____ training articles/lessons a day.


Answer: 2

LaunchPad #20

By subscribing to the RSS feed for SFI News and SFI Power Tips, I will...

Learn how to speak another language
Receive a free toaster
Be entered in a cash drawing
Automatically receive all new entries (both news and tips)

Answer: Automatically receive all new entries (both news and tips)

LaunchPad #19

Residual Income means that for the work you do today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for ____________.

up to 90 days
6 months
9-18 months
YEARS to come

Answer: YEARS to come

LaunchPad #18

Adding your photo lets your affiliates know their sponsor is __________.

A real, live person
Good with a camera
Happy with their SFI commissions

Answer: A real, live person

LaunchPad #17

The option to send a group mailing is accessed from ________________.
Help Desk
Your Genealogy
Your local post office

Answer: Your Genealogy

LaunchPad #16

The income you can earn in SFI has no ______________.


Answer: Ceiling

LaunchPad #15

SFI's profit sharing programs allow me to tap into SFI's growth in up to ____ ways.


Answer: 3

LaunchPad #14

When you "buy from your own store," you can...

Earn unlimited VersaPoints
Increase the MaxMalls? Pool that you can share in
Boost revenues that your upline and downline share in
All of the above

Answer: All of the above

LaunchPad #13

For general questions, SFI recommends you go where first?

SFI Forum
Your sponsor
Affiliate Support Line

Answer: Affiliate Support Line

LaunchPad #12

Completing your Affiliate Profile should only take _________.

A few minutes
30-45 minutes
45-60 minutes
Two hours

Answer: A few minutes

LaunchPad #11

For the individuals we interviewed, real wealth took an average of ___________ to achieve.

4 months
9.2 months
18 months
Almost 3 years

Answer: Almost 3 years

LaunchPad #10

A common FAQ is, "How does SFI compare to _____________?

Winning the lottery
Similar businesses
Nonprofit organizations

Answer: Similar businesses

LaunchPad #9

The cost of an EyeEarn Starter Kit is _____.


Answer: $20.00

LaunchPad #8 was launched on _________.

January 5, 2008
July 4th, 2008
October 31st, 2008
January 5, 2009

Answer: January 5, 2009

LaunchPad #7

What do you have to do to secure the Co-Sponsorships that are assigned to you?

Accumulate 1200 VersaPoints within 10 days of joining SFI
Accumulate 1200 VersaPoints within 15 days of joining SFI
Accumulate 1500 VersaPoints within 15 days of joining SFI
Accumulate 1500 VersaPoints before the end of the month

Answer: Accumulate 1500 VersaPoints within 15 days of joining SFI

LaunchPad #6

The SFI Affiliate Center provides you with how many marketing aids, tools, and resources to power your business?


Answer: 100s

LaunchPad #5

SFI gives you instant access to a marketplace of _________ of consumers.


Answer: Billions

LaunchPad #4

What keeps most people stuck in dead-end lives?

Financial limitations
Bad bosses

Answer: Inertia

LaunchPad #3

The main problem with a typical job is that when YOU stop, the money ________.

Loses value
Grows infinitely
Is confiscated by the government

Answer: Stops

LaunchPad #2

SFI started with how many products?


Answer: 1

LaunchPad #1

Scoring lots of VersaPoints will earn me ___________ ?

Higher payouts/commissions on the revenues I generate
Bigger and better perks
Access to SFI "power tools"
Increased Power Rankings
All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Thursday, September 10, 2009

About SFI

SFI Affliate Center

SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to millions of products and services sold in more than 190 countries around the world.

SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. No purchase is necessary.

Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.

SFI headquarters
SFI's corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Stability & Longevity
Better Business BureauThe mark of a successful company can be seen in its track record. SFI is now in its 11th year, with millions of dollars in annual sales and millions paid in commissions to thousands of affiliates around the world. SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is in its 24th year of business. It's a longtime member of the Better Business Bureau and is registered with Dunn and Bradstreet. SFI affiliates operate with the peace of mind brought about by associating with a proven, debt-free organization with a long, successful history.

Company Leadership
SFI President and CEO, and founder of SFI, is Gery Carson. From 1985 to 1998, Gery was a top marketer and
SFI Founder, Gery Carson
SFI Founder
Gery Carson
record-breaking distributor for several direct sales companies and a successful business magazine publisher. Known for his innovation, Gery has been a pioneering force in the direct mail and Internet marketing industries for nearly 25 years. His extraordinary achievements as an entrepreneur have been spotlighted in "Money Maker's Monthly," "Upline," "Opportunity World Magazine," and in numerous books and videos. National recognition has also included being named to 1992's Outstanding Young Men of America list and 1997's Who's Who in the Media and Communications.

In 1998, Gery set out to "put a dent in the universe" by creating SFI, a ground-breaking program that would utilize the Internet to empower and enrich the lives of millions of people around the world. Today, with over 8,000 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world and is well on its way to achieving Gery's vision.

SFI Sub-Divisions, just launched in January 2009, is an exciting new destination on the Web. TripleClicks features thousands of products, including collectibles and items available nowhere else on the Internet. New products are added daily. TripleClicks also allows its members to simply and easily sell their own unwanted items for cash or trade. SFI affiliates can promote and earn commissions on almost every product and service available at TripleClicks.

TripleClicks is also a portal to more than 170 major, name-brand online stores representing over a million additional products and services that commissions can be earned on–including iTunes, PetSmart,, BabyUniverse, ESPN, Expedia,,, NetFlix, NutriSystem,, Skype, and TicketMaster. is a new global advertising network that taps into simple, easy forms of advertising that everyone can do. No experience is needed to participate, and it's fun and easy! EyeEarn's basic concept is for you to become part of our "personal advertising network," and get paid for advertising while just going about your day—driving your car, walking your dog, wearing T-shirts, or even just drinking coffee! Get seen–get paid!

Contact Information

SFI's corporate headquarters is located at: 5945 Cornhusker Highway, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68504

You can reach SFI via phone at 402-434-8480 or via fax at 402-434-8483.

SFI affiliates can also visit our 24-hour support center at

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Getting Started With SFI

SFI now features an exciting, new "Co-Sponsorship" program.

What's a Co-Sponsor? Co-Sponsor is a new position that is assigned by SFI Corporate. Similar to the Sponsor, the Co-Sponsor shares in the financial benefits and support responsibilities of the affiliate of whom he/she is the assigned Co-Sponsor.

As an affiliate's Co-Sponsor, you can immediately begin earning up to 24% CV commissions on all their purchases (plus an additional 4% to 8% on all their sales)! This benefit can also continue monthly! For exact commission details and qualifications, see the SFI Compensation Plan.

Co-Sponsorships are assigned in two primary ways, which you can read about HERE.

What I want to talk about specifically today, however, is the co-sponsorships that brand new affiliates can receive, and the requirements. The requirements are very simple and straightforward:

Accumulate 1500 VersaPoints within your first 15 days

Do that and you've qualified to receive (currently, approximately 20) co-sponsorships that could be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to you in the years to come.

But, wow, isn't 1500 a LOT of points to have to produce in just 15 days? Actually, no. Let's do the math:

Let's say you just joined SFI. Assuming you've confirmed your registration and whitelisted SFI's mailing address (these are the first two steps required before you can even enter the SFI Affiliate Center), you've already got 400 points to start.

For easy, "getting started" points, you can now do the following 13 actions:

For completing your Affiliate Profile (200 points)
For reviewing the "R" (Refer) Index (50 points)
For reviewing the "S" (Sponsor) Index (50 points)
For sending your SFI Commitment Message to your sponsor (50 points)
For entering a personal welcome message to greet the affiliates you sponsor (50 points)
For registering as an a2a member (50 points)
For reading the Getting Started FAQs (20 points)
For reading the "About SFI" page (20 points)
For reviewing the SFI Compensation Plan (10 points)
For reviewing the SFI Benefits Chart (10 points)
For reviewing the Global Growth Report (30 points)
For registering to follow SFI on Twitter (30 points)
For uploading your photo to the Affiliate Center (30 points)

All of the above can be completed, easily, in just 1-2 hours, and it's generated another 600 points for you. So in just your first hour or two, you can easily reach 1000 points.

Of course, a new affiliate is also now receiving our LaunchPad™ "getting started" training e-mails. Each day's quiz earns you another 20 points. So, by day 15, you've grabbed another easy 300 points (15 days x 20 points = 300).

That's a grand total of 1300 points now, without even breaking a sweat. To get the remaining 200, you can earn four points a day just for logging into the SFI Affiliate Center and visiting your SFI Homepage. You can earn 240 points for purchasing an EyeEarn Starter Kit. And there are numerous other actions listed on your SFI To-Do List you can take to easily reach 1500 points within 15 days.

And you can, of course, also earn UNLIMITED points with sales or purchases at TripleClicks (many of our most popular products come with 1000 points or more!)

By the way, if you hadn't noticed, the new co-sponsorship program is designed to not only provide a great incentive to get seriously active in SFI right away, but also to ensure that the affiliates who receive co-sponsorships REMAIN active, too.

How? To retain any co-sponsorships received, an affiliate must achieve 1500 points or more every month. They forfeit the co-sponsorships if they fail to maintain the 1500 point level, and no one wants to lose such a valuable asset of course!

So, with that in mind, it's VERY important that when you're recruiting new affiliates that you work with them to reach the 1500 points in 15 days.

Here's a tip for doing that: Go to your genealogy and use the Join Date filter to pull up just your affiliates who are within their first 15 days. Now, sort by "VP(T)–-this is the abbreviation for Total VersaPoints To Date--in descending (dsc) order.

You can now see exactly who in your organization still has an opportunity to secure a quantity of co-sponsorships, and you can contact them to see if you can assist them.

Here's a really good way to do it: Click on their VersaPoints total–that is, the points listed under the "VP(T)" column. You'll now see a listing (in a new window) of all the actions they've earned points for so far and all the actions that they can do to earn even more points. For many of your affiliates, you'll probably see a number of "easy" actions that they can grab quick points for. Point these actions out to them and offer helpful advice where you can. For example, maybe they don't understand how to get set up to follow SFI on Twitter (a 30-pointer), but YOU do.

Help them get as many points as they can. You'll be helping them and you'll be positioning yourself for great, long-term growth!

NOTE: Once you get them to 1500 points, they've also become an EA (Executive Affiliate), which earns YOU 100 VersaPoints for the month--and which you'll continue to earn every month they remain at the EA level!

SFI Marketing Group